Time Released Blessings

 I asked the Lord where home is for me. I have been so homesick recently. I'm tired of moving and relocating and being in flux. 

The Lord described for me my home in Heaven with  details that brought tears. Certain decor, certain comforts, and a bunch of specific emotions I associate with home. I feel the sadness of not being able to step out of this reality and in to that promise. The Lord told me that knowing the truth is the important part. I find it hard to persevere living in Europe. I'm not a huge fan of being and ex-pat. I want to be in my home country or even home state. So I struggle to see how I can help others as they move and relocate and seek God. If I struggle to keep my feet under me, how can I successfully aid anyone else. So knowing the truth, that heaven is my home has to cause a shift.

The Lord said to take my eyes off of the future with struggle and hardship of moves and world chaos and put my eyes on heaven. And then he showed me a beautiful vision. 

He promised that blessing are already prepared and packed in my store house waiting to be released and spill out over me and my family. He called them time-release blessings.  Something that I can count on, expect and take joy in as I watch them appear again and again.

Anticipation of something good is such a good perspective. No matter what happened yesterday, I want to live in expectation of blessing today. I don't want to fail to see his blessings because I failed to watch for them! All day long I am in danger of receiving a fantastic gift! What a way to live!

Home isn't here and leaving Europe and moving again looks tiring. The Lord told me not to anticipate the hardship and the weariness of coping but in stead to anticipate his gifts that are greater than the hardship and greater than the weariness.


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